Benedict Coyne

Benedict Coyne

Solicitor 2011 / Barrister 2021

Practice Areas

  • Common Law/Personal Injury
  • Defamation
  • Environment and Planning
  • Industrial/Employment
  • Inquests/Inquiries
  • International
  • Mediation/Dispute Resolution
  • Personal Injury
  • Public/Administrative


Benedict completed his Law Degree in 2009 at Southern Cross University with First Class Honours and was awarded the University Medal and a number of other awards for outstanding academic achievement. In 2016, Benedict graduated with highest level Distinction from a Master of Studies in International Human Rights Law (IHRL) at the University of Oxford.

Benedict served as national President of the Australian Lawyers for Human Rights, and in that role, overlapping with the completion of his Masters Degree, he was instrumental in leading the campaign for a Queensland Human Rights Act which after a sustained campaign of over four years achieved the passage of the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld).

Benedict was admitted as a solicitor in 2011. As a solicitor, Benedict held a Specialist Accreditation in Workplace Relations Law from the Law Institute of Victoria and the Queensland Law Society.

Prior to coming to the Bar, Benedict was Associate to Justice Mordecai Bromberg in the Federal Court of Australia in Melbourne and worked as a Fair Work Advisor at the Fair Work Ombudsman whilst completing his legal studies as well as volunteering at a number of Community Legal Centres and completing an internship in the legal team at the Australian Human Rights Commission in Sydney.

Benedict also worked at a leading National Class Actions firm and boutique Queensland firms and was involved in running litigation in State and federal courts, tribunals, and commissions. Some examples where Benedict instructed or appeared on matters includes arguing for refugee rights, climate litigation and advocacy to United Nations bodies, claims for abuse of First Nations prisoners, the Aboriginal deaths-in-custody, the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse and the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry,  human rights litigation including class actions, as well as employment and workplace matters at the State and Federal level.

Since being called to the Bar in 2021, Benedict has continued to specialise in Employment/Workplace Law (representing both employees and employers),  Discrimination Law, Public/Administrative Law, Human Rights Law, Common law torts/personal injury, Defamation, Inquests and International Law. He has also worked on the Royal Commission into Veteran Suicides and been briefed in a number of Coronial Inquests.

From 2021 – 2023 he served as a Legal Member of the Mental Health Review Tribunal (MHRT) appointed by the Governor-in-Council.

Benedict is admitted to practice in Queensland, Victoria and in the Federal and High Courts of Australia. Benedict is regularly briefed by law firms around Australia and has experience litigating in a variety of complex matters in multiple jurisdictions. Benedict has been part of large Counsel teams on many notable class actions representing First Nations parties including:

  • VID 698/2021- Andrea Kyle-Sailor v Alex Heinke, Nine Network Australia Pty Limited & Ors (Channel 9 Racial Discrimination Class Action)
  • NTD36 of 2019 Patrick Cumaiyi & Ors v Northern Territory of Australia & Anor / NTD 23 of 2021 Assumpta Gumbaduck v Northern Territory of Australia (Wadeye Racial Discrimination Class Actions)
  • WAD237/2020 - Mervyn Street & Ors v State of Western Australia - (WA Stolen Wages/Slavery Class Action)
  • WAD5/2022 - Sherona Roe and Davin Ferreira as Co-Administrators of the Estate of the late Ms Julieka Dhu & Ors V The State of Western Australia & Anor. (WA Fines Imprisonment Class Action)
  • WAD251/2022 - DWB22 & Ors v The State of Western Australia - (Banksia Hill Youth Detention Class Action)

Notable Cases


  • University Medal, Southern Cross University, Stone & Partners Prize (graduating student with best academic performance), NSW Bar Association Prizes for Legal Ethics, NSW Bar Association Prizes for Philosophy of Law (2009)
  • Queensland Civil Justice Award (Australian Lawyers Alliance) Baby Ferouz High Court litigation legal team (2015)
  • Southern Cross University - Young Alumnus of the Year Award (2014)
  • Southern Cross University, School of Law & Justice, Alumnus of the Year Award (2014)
  • National Emerging Lawyer of the Year Award (Australian Lawyers Alliance & Amnesty International) (2014)

Professional Memberships

  • Bar Association of Queensland
  • Bar Association of Queensland Administrative Law Committee
  • Human Rights Law Association
  • Australian Association of Constitutional Law
  • Australian Institute of Administrative Law
  • NSW Specialist Accredited Employment Lawyers
  • LawRight/Pro Bono Connect
  • Australian Lawyers for Human Rights